
Adolescent Issues and Strategies 2.0

Original price was: $149.00.Current price is: $69.00.


Continuing Education   

Course Summary

This course is designed to help counselors better understand and work with adolescents who are experiencing depression, bullying, suicidal ideation, and other teen issues. Adolescent Issues and Strategies 2.0 will explore the latest issues and trends among adolescents.

Course Lessons

ADIS 101: Counseling Depressed, Anxious, Suicidal and Self-Injurious Adolescents
Joshua Straub, Ph.D.

This presentation provides statistics, recent research and empirical studies, and treatment recommendations for depressed, anxious, suicidal and self-injurious adolescents. Depression is not just a phase in adolescents, but a serious issue that can sometimes result in suicide. The comorbidity of depression and anxiety is discussed, as well as other factors, such as sexual risk taking behavior and parental involvement, which have an impact on this issue.

ADIS 102: Playing with Violence: Video Games, Bullying and Aggressive Behavior in Adolescents Part 1
Tina Brookes, Ed.D.

This presentation will explore the violence marketed as “entertainment” through gaming, movies, and television to today's children and youth. Recent trends in bullying, aggressive behaviors and gun violence will be presented, as well as neurobiological findings on the impact of violent visual imagery.

ADIS 103: Playing with Violence: Video Games, Bullying and Aggressive Behavior in Adolescents Part 2
Tina Brookes, Ed.D.

Dr. Brookes will outline practical steps for Christian counselors, educators, parents and youth workers in order to promote real-life relationships, quality family time, community service, physical wellness practices (including sports, exercise, and nutrition), and spiritual values (including respect, honor, kindness and love).

Continuing Education

Target Audience: Biblical or Pastoral Counselors

3.00 CE Credits available for IBCC Credential Holders.

The American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) is an Approved Continuing Education (CE) provider by the International Board of Christian Care (IBCC). The AACC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Note: This course does not meet CE requirements for licensed mental health professionals.